Rules, Guidelines, Etiquette

Packer Park is a “Use At Your Own Risk” Dog Park!

The City of Stratford and the Stratford Dog Park Association assume no responsibility for any injuries or damage that may occur during the use of the Park

City of Stratford Animal Control Bylaws

  1. Dog owners must pick up and dispose of their dog's poop in the garbage cans provided. (by-law 2:16)

  2. All dogs must be leashed when entering or leaving the park. (by-law 6:4) This is a parking lot and there are blind spots.

  3. Aggressive dogs must be muzzled. (by-law 2:17)

  4. Under the Dog Owners Liability Act, " The owner of a dog is liable for damages resulting from a bite or attack by the dog on another person or domestic animal." NOTE: Please obtain contact information from the owner if a bit occurs. This is mandatory for our Health Unit, and to prevent rabies shots for the person or dog bitten.

Guidelines for park usage

  1. All dogs must be accompanied by an adult owner or handler who must supervise and be in control of their dogs at all times.

  2. All dogs MUST have up-to-date vaccinations and rabies shots.

  3. For the well-being of everyone, we do not permit:

    • Puppies under 4 months,

    • Female dogs in heat,

    • Sick, aggressive, or out-of-control dogs.

Dog Park Etiquette

  1. Close the first gate behind you before opening the second gate. Do NOT use the maintenance gate as an access point. You cannot be sure of any other dogs' behaviour and should not risk their escape.

  2. Fill in any holes your dog digs or make appropriate repairs to disturbed areas. Report any problems with the facilities to the Association or the City of Stratford.

  3. Keep your dog within sight and voice command range at all times.

  4. Exercise is good for humans -- move around the park with your dog instead of clustering near the gate.

  5. Have drinking water available for your dog.

  6. Toys at the dog park are to be brought with caution. Recognize that many dogs haven’t been taught the “share” command. Sometimes the ball will get stolen and, on occasion, cause aggression.

  7. Food at the dog park is to be brought with caution. Many dogs have (sometimes severe) food allergies and/or are food-aggressive. Remember: this is their park. Save your sandwich for the car.

  8. Please be kind and responsible. We all deserve a safe space for our dogs — and each other. Aggressive HUMAN behaviour will also not be tolerated.

  9. The vulnerable and small dog area was created to protect them. Please respect this. If it is not in use you may take other dogs into the area, but be mindful and ask permission if there are dogs there wanting to be removed from the pack.

  10. Please follow COVID procedures.

Children at the dog park (are discouraged)

While this is a public park, it was created for DOGS. This is their park and is the only place they can run free and unchecked by leashes.

We URGE STRONGLY that CHILDREN are NOT brought into the Dog Park. This is for their health and safety. If you must bring children to the Dog Park, you do so at your own risk and must supervise them closely.

Please be aware:
- Friendly dogs can accidentally knock over or injure a child
- Not all dogs are child-friendly

Supervising a child and a dog at the same time is difficult to do, and puts the child and other people using the park at risk.

Dogs will jump up to investigate babies in front or back carriers, and will also stick their noses into strollers. Most are curious and friendly, but some have strong prey instincts and may mistake a baby for a small, injured animal.

Use COMMON SENSE and CAUTION! Do NOT let your children run loose under any circumstances. Do not let them play tug-of-war or throw sticks or bring their own toys or food inside the park. Never allow your child to approach or pet a dog without the owner's presence and permission.

Under no circumstances should a child under 16 be left unsupervised in this park.

Be observant of dog behaviour

Beware of the misuse of the word "aggression".


- Charging
- Mass greetings
- Humping
- Posturing
- Wrestling
- Play biting
- Dogs rejecting ('telling off') other dogs(growls, raised hackles, curled lips, barking)
- Tug-of-war

Dogs being carried may get nipped at (they look like injured prey) it is better to leave them on the ground. The gate area in particular, but any place an owner stands for too long, may encourage territorial feelings in the dogs. It is better to keep moving!

Dogs do establish pack order when they meet new dogs, and there may a short time of tension while they figure it out. When humans interrupt this activity, it can result in confusion for the dogs and prevent their natural behaviours. Most dogs do not feel the need to fight once they know their place in the pack. Dog owners should communicate respectfully with each other if their dogs are being engaged in behaviours that make them uncomfortable. Remember, we all care about our dogs — that's why we're here!

If a biting incident occurs

Please obtain the owner's contact information if their dog has bitten another human or dog. This information is essential for the health unit and to prevent unnecessary rabies protocols.

Please REPORT any incidents of dogs biting other dogs which are not playful but involve breaking the skin, or otherwise injuring another dog. You may report directly to Animal Control, or to the Dog Park Association. Please provide as many details as possible: time/date; name of dog; description of owner; vehicle. Forward your complaint in writing, either by e-mail or by writing to our address.

We can't keep aggressive dogs out of the Park unless we know who they are and have documented incidents.

Emergency Contact

This is a “Use At Your Own Risk” Dog Park — but incidents do occur. Please use the following contacts and procedures if needed.

Stratford Dog Park Association:

Humane Society: (519)273-6600

Animal Control: Daytime (519)273-6600; Night-time (519)271-4141


Pet injury: contact veterinarian doctor or clinic

Human Injury: seek medical attention

IF A DOG BITE OCCURS: Please obtain the owner's contact information if their dog has bitten another human or dog. This information is essential for the health unit and to prevent unnecessary rabies protocols.